
Home / News / Best Seeding Methods For Seedbeds

Best Seeding Methods For Seedbeds

The key to improve seeding quality is to create suitable temperature, humidity and aeration conditions for germination and excavation of seeds, and to create moist subsoil and loose and dry topsoil conditions for seedling growth. The quality of seeding technology directly affects the quality of seedling emergence, so it is very important to master the best seeding method.


First, fill the bed. The prepared culture soil is first filled into the seedbed, about 10 cm thick. When growing seedlings in Yangqi or hotbed, the bed surface should be high in the south and low in the north to form an inclined plane, and the north is 3 cm lower than the south. Because the bed surface is low in the north and south, the irrigation water in the north is gradually greater than that in the south, in order to meet the needs of the uneven temperature of the seedbed and the different amount of water evaporation. After filling the culture soil, step on it with your foot, and then level the bed surface.


Second, irrigation. In order to make irrigation water does not impact the bed surface, irrigation should take the bamboo sieve paved with grass or straw, placed on the bed surface, and then put the water pipe head on the sieve dazzle. The irrigation amount should be determined by the type of crop. About 65 kg per square meter should be used in the planting of tomato, 75 kg per square meter should be used in the planting of eggplant and pepper.


Third, sowing. Sowing time to choose in the calm, clear weather, sowing before noon. In order to avoid the seeds sticking together, the wet seeds will be put in the basin before sowing, adding about 4 times the seed amount of grass and wood ash, shaking the basin, so that seeds and grass and wood ash mixed evenly to scatter for sowing. After all the water in the bed has seeped through, scatter a thin layer of culture soil as seed soil. Before sowing, scatter another seed again. Immediately after seeding, cover the soil with a thickness of about 1cm. Melons and beans should be sown in the nutrient pot. The method is to fill the pot with water before sowing, one seed per pot, and cover the culture soil immediately after sowing.


Finally, cover the bed. To prevent rodents, put rat poison on all sides of the bed. In order to observe the temperature in the bed, insert a thermometer against the south side of the bed, cover the top with plastic film, and compact the sides with straw clay. For full exposure to light, the film should be kept clean. At night, for heat preservation, a straw mat should be added to the film. Add or subtract grass mat appropriately according to bed temperature.

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